Hello everyone! What a difference a week makes! This photo was taken exactly a week ago during that freak snow storm! Nothing like the weather in Ohio to keep you on your toes. It is has been HOT these last couple of days. There are actual flowers blooming on the cherry trees! We have to keep our fingers crossed that the weather gods have no more frosty surprises up their sleeves. 🙁 When I was a teacher, I welcomed the warm days signaling summer was in sight. Also, children could run outside without coats and the sun made everyone feel bright and happy. Now, as a farmer’s wife, I have a different relationship with the weather. I almost feel guilty for enjoying these gorgeous 79 degree days. I know it’s not the best for our crops for it to be so hot so soon. And yet, I have no control over Mother Nature. So, I will continue to savor this weather and drive with my windows wide open. Hope to see all of you in our store soon! Asparagus season (May) will be here before you know it and you know what comes after that? (Don’t worry, I didn’t before I started working here.) Strawberries! June is approaching… Don’t forget we always have curbside and local delivery available. Just order online and we will bring your items right to your car or house! Easy and convenient! SHOP HERE! Take Care, Amanda, Chris & Abbie |
Ohio Farmer

Happy Glass
Linda Tasker brought more glass art and I love the new pieces. We now have hummingbirds in various colors. She also made these adorable dragonflies using the stems of silverware! It’s so clever. You will have to stop in the store to see these, or follow us on Instagram or Facebook! These are perfect for adding a little color and happiness to your windows.
Cherry Trees
I love taking Abbie out into the orchard to watch Dada work. Here, they are in the cherry trees. Abbie is watching Chris prune a variety called Danube.

Family Time
We love our days off. One of our favorite activities is hiking in the Metro Parks. A week ago we went to see the daffodils at Furnace Run Metro Park. Baba, Chris, Matt, Cooper, Sky, Abbie and I all enjoyed this trail, even though it was a little chilly. We didn’t get to see a lot of flowers yet, but we still had a wonderful time. If you are looking for a nice place to walk, check out this trail!
Cooper’s Corner