Hello everyone! Tada!!!!!We have new doors!You no longer will struggle to get in our store on windy days or reach down to your knees to turn the handle.We are so happy and grateful to have these beautiful doors and can’t wait for you to see them!
It’s funny because I posted about the new doors on social media and my posts were 90% more popular than other posts I do.Who knew doors were so exciting?!
Things are picking up here at the orchard…Chris might have even see an asparagus poking up in the field the other day!
Are you guys ready for amazing Ohio grown produce?!It’s just around the corner.
We can’t wait!
And as always, don’t forget we always have curbside and local delivery available.Just order online and we will bring your items right to your car or house!Easy and convenient!
Take Care, Amanda, Chris & Abbie
Working Outside
The past warm weather, as I have been reporting, has really put a strain on our pruning schedule. In order to help out, I have been working in the highbush blueberries! I did this last year as well, and I really enjoy it. There is really nothing like being outside on a sunny day, getting some exercise while working to get the farm ready for harvest. At the end of days like this I am tired down to my bones, mostly because I am not used to being this physical all day, but I am also high on serotonin and endorphins from air, sun, and simple hard work. Plus, it’s a challenge on my mind too. I have to approach each blueberry bush and decide what needs to be taken out and what needs to stay in order to allow it to produce the most gorgeous berries for our customers. It really is quite satisfying work and I am grateful to be a part of this orchard.

Giardiniera Deliziosa
I am very interested in trying this new product from Kitchen Garden Farm. They organically grow all the produce they use for their products! This giardiniera is a spicy vegetable pickle consisting of cauliflower, carrots, celery, and peppers in an oil and vinegar brine. It is an essential component of two famous Italian American sandwiches: Muffuletta from New Orleans and Italian Beef from Chicago. It also makes a great appetizer or addition to a cheese board.
Dusting of Seasonings

Snack Time
Cooper’s Corner