Hi everyone! |
I’m back! It’s been a really long time since I wrote a newsletter. I guess everything slows down in the winter, including me. But I am back to share with you some new things and just keep you updated. As always, we have curbside and local delivery options in our online shop. Best, Amanda, Chris & Abbie |

Buttercream Cookie Sandwiches
Yes, you read that correctly. Chris’ new addition to the sweets we sell are these amazing treats. They have been selling really well and are worth all the calories. If you like our cookies, what’s not to like about TWO of our cookies with FROSTING in-between? Nothing to complain about here.
Our Sweet Candy Lover
I asked Abbie if she could share anything with our customers, what would it be? Well, not surprising, she said CANDY! So, here is our sweet candy-loving daughter holding her two favorite kinds of candy, jelly beans and candy blox. We have a large variety of bulk candy in our store–perfect for adding that extra ingredient of sugar to any toddler!

CSA Brainstorming Phase
Chris and I are throwing around the idea of starting a CSA program at our farm.
For those unfamiliar, CSA stands for community-supported agriculture and is basically a membership (you pre-pay for ‘shares’ of our produce) for 6 or so weeks. During this time, you come every week and pick up a box of seasonal fruit and vegetables at a great price. It’s a wonderful way for us to connect with customers.
Please note, we are at the very beginning stages of brainstorming this idea, but we think it has a lot of potential. But, we might not get it up and running this year.
Please contact me if you have any experience with either running or participating in a CSA program. Although we will not be able to accommodate everyone’s needs, we want this to work for you guys!
Enjoy this winter tour of our orchard!
Cooper’s Corner

Guess who is going to school every week? This guy! He is doing so awesome in his class, although he is extremely distracted by the other dogs. He is learning how to be a better listener and even has some tricks up his sleeves. Look how well he is waiting for Chris to tell him he can eat the cookies on his paws. What a good boy!