Flavor: Mild sweet-tart with a hint of spiciness
Approximate Ripening: Mid August
Uses: Salads, eating, cooking, saucing
Trivia: Believed to be descendent from Golden Delicious, Albermarle Pippin, and possibly another unknown variety, this seedling was discovered in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Nelson County, VA in the aftermath of Hurricane Camille. Camille, a Category 5 hurricane, ripped up through the Gulf of Mexico and then wound east in 1969, causing immense damage. Clyde Harvey found his orchards flooded. One of the few surviving trees seemed different than the others; it produced yellow fruit rather than red. Clyde named the fruit after his wife, Frances “Ginger” Harvey. Talk about a silver lining to a dark storm cloud! Ginger Gold has gone on to become one of the country’s most popular early-season varieties.
Notes: Ginger Gold’s flavor is reminiscent Golden Delicious with a tart little oomph at the end, probably owing to its other parent, Albermarle Pippin. It stays firm and resists browning after being cut, making it particularly suitable as a garnish to salads and other dishes. But it’s also a superior early-season apple for eating out of hand—especially for Golden Delicious fans looking for an extra kick to that traditional favorite.