Hi everyone, It’s been another wet week (you can see as much from some of my photos below), but overall, things aren’t looking to bad. We thankfully avoided almost all of the hail that slammed a lot of our area a couple nights ago. Hail can be devastating to a fruit farmer even this early […]
Author Archives: Chris
It’s finally strawberry season!! We’ve got a few picked berries in the market right now, but we got rained out this morning, so I’m not sure how long they’ll last and if we’ll be able to pick many more today. However, tomorrow and going forward, we’re hoping to have a good supply every day for […]
I’ve always been interested in genetics and plant breeding. I actually took a lot of genetics as part of my biochem program as an undergrad. One thing that many people don’t know is that apples aren’t self-fertile. To “make” an apple, some vector (generally a bee) takes pollen from one apple variety and applies it […]
Spring is our second busiest time of year, after fall harvest. Between getting the pruning done and getting all the perennial crops ready for the season, and then getting all the vegetable fields ready and planted, it’s nonstop for a couple of months. Since we don’t yet have our own greenhouse, I order seed every […]
Spring at the Orchard means pruning all the trees, tons of planting, and bloom. It’s probably the prettiest time to visit our farm. Here are a few shots I’ve taken in the last couple weeks. Spring really can make or break us every year. Bees are critical for pollination in most of our crops, and […]
I apologize that it’s been so long since we’ve updated our blog. Now that our growing season is underway, we’ll be posting updates a lot more frequently. I just wanted to post a quick update to say that I used this rainy day to get our tart cherry ordering set up on the site. Every […]
Hi everyone, A couple bits of news to share today. First, I just got the Thanksgiving time slots added to the bakery items in our online shop, so Thanksgiving ordering is ready for you. There are time slots set up for Tuesday and Wednesday of Thanksgiving week (we’re closed Thursday and Friday that week), and […]
Peaches – The bad news first. We sold out of the last of the Encore peaches this past weekend. We’re done with peaches until next year. Apples – Now the good news. We’ve got over a dozen varieties of apples in the market right now, including Honeycrisp. In the last couple weeks, we’ve picked Gala, […]
Wow, it’s been a crazy last few weeks! First off, I’m now a dad. Amanda gave birth to our baby Abigail, and they’re both doing great. It’s been a blur of happiness and excitement, combined with lots of wailing, sleeplessness, feedings, and diapers. And did I mention, we’re really, really happy?! So Amanda is stepping […]
Hi everyone, The big news for us this past week was that we made USA Today’s list of 10 Great Pick-your-own Farms Across the USA! We were so excited!! Most of the other places were bigger farms right outside of large cities, so I felt that added to the honor of being chosen. I’m really […]