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I grant Rittman Orchards' staff permission to apply bug spray, sun block or minor first aid including antibiotic ointment to my child if they deem it necessary in order to prevent mosquito bites, sunburn or if my child gets a scrape or minor injury.
I have read and agree with the above statement
I acknowledge that my child will be taken on walks around the orchard property and will participate in various orchard activities such as picking fruit. I am aware that there are risks involved in these activities. My child will wear the appropriate clothing and footwear to help them navigate the farm safely.
I hereby grant Rittman Orchards the right and permission, in respect of the photographs that are taken of my child alone, or included with others, to copyright the same, and to use, reuse, and publish in any media now and hereafter known for illustration, promotion, art, advertising, website, or any purpose. I hereby release and discharge Rittman Orchards from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of photographs including without limitation any and all claims for libel or invasion of privacy.
As the parent or legal guardian, I release and hold harmless Rittman Orchards Farm Market LLC, its owners, members, officers, operators, employees, agents, contractors and other representatives (hereafter referred to as Rittman Orchards) as well as Christopher D. Vodraska, Matthew J. Vodraska & Margaret A. Vodraska, Co-Trustees of the J. Dale Vodraska and Margaret A. Vodraska Trust dated March 31, 2016, dba Rittman Orchards (hereafter referred to as the Vodraskas), from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises of the Rittman Orchards. I am fully aware that any activity at a working farm presents inherent risks, and I further agree to hold Rittman Orchards and the Vodraskas harmless for any injury or resulting expense(s). I release and discharge all rights and claims against Rittman Orchards and the Vodraskas, who provide reasonable safety procedures and guidelines, and therefore assume no responsibility for any accidents or injuries that may occur. Being fully aware of these dangers and in consideration of the minor being permitted to participate in activities at this facility, I FULLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSSES, COSTS, AND DAMAGES my child may incur as a result of my child's participation in the activities at this facility. I HEREBY RELEASE, DISCHARGE, COVENANT NOT TO SUE, AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS RITTMAN ORCHARDS AND THE VODRASKAS on my own behalf and the behalf of my child and our respective heirs, administrators, executors, and successors, FROM ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES, WITHOUT LIMITATIONS, ON THE MINOR'S ACCOUNT OR MINE caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Rittman Orchards or the Vodraskas. I have read and understand, and will at all times, abide by and have my child abide by rules, regulations and policies as set forth by Rittman Orchards.
I have read the Assumption of Risk / Release of Liability Agreement, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.
I am the parent or legal guardian of the named child/children and have read all of the foregoing contents. This release shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.
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