
EverCrisp apples on the tree

Flavor: Very sweet, with just enough bite to create a balanced flavor

Approximate Ripening: Late October

Uses: Eating

Trivia: This brand new apple is the first release from the Midwest Apple Improvement Association, which our orchard has been a part of for about ten years now.  Our organization’s goal is to breed new apple varieties that do well in the Midwest, and this first release is a definite success.  A cross of Fuji and Honeycrisp, EverCrisp has that Honeycrisp “crunch” that everyone wants.  And the flavor has been rated as good or better than Honeycrisp in quite a few blind taste tests the MAIA has performed over the last several years.  As our trees mature, we’ll have more and more of this new and exciting apple over the next several years!

Notes:  EverCrisp is fairly similar in appearance to its Fuji parent, but it definitely picked up the Honeycrisp crunch.  An excellent apple for fresh eating, it maintains it’s extremely crunchy texture for long into the season.