Hello everyone!
It feels like every third call to our market is about strawberries! We get it!
They are coming. We promise. And with this hot weather, they will come even sooner. We still don’t know the date they will be open for picking or available to buy in our store, but we will let you know when we do!
It will probably be A COUPLE OF DAYS!
The best thing to do, if you are not on social media, is to check our What’s Ripe page everyday. Once we know the deal with strawberries, we will post it here.
And as always, we have curbside and local delivery available to you guys:
Stay cool!
Take Care,
Amanda, Chris & Abbie

Guess the Baby
On social media, I posted this picture for people to guess the baby fruit. This one stumped almost everyone! We had some really great guesses: avocado, figs, pawpaws, olives, prune plums, mangos, Red Bartlett pears, peaches and more. However, they are baby nectarines. Did you know?
The Anticipation
As I mentioned before, it’s around the corner, you guys! Some of you might know what kind of plant this is… ! June is strawberry season at our orchard. Fresh, juicy, and bursting with flavor I guarantee you won’t find in grocery store strawberries. You can pick your own or buy quarts in our store. As I tell my toddler, it’s hard to wait…but so worth it. Stay tuned…

New Hours
Perks of the Job