Hi everyone,
The day many of you have been waiting for is here…blueberry u-pick starts tomorrow morning (July 1) at 9am! Blueberries will be $4/lb. Just like with the strawberries and raspberries, you’re welcome to bring back buckets you’ve gotten from us in the past (whether this year or previously), but we’re not allowing any other containers for picking this year. Check in and check out is all done at our u-pick shed, just like it has been all season. We have buckets available there, and can take cash or credit after you’re done picking. With strawberries running out, we will soon be moving the shed down the hill a little so it’s more centralized for raspberries and blueberries.
Red raspberry picking is still good. Raspberries are $4.50/lb. Black raspberries are not quite ripe yet.
Strawberry picking is starting to slow down quickly. As in, it takes a long time to pick a bucket at this point. We will only have them open for a few more days. They are $2/lb. We won’t be picking any more strawberries for the market this year.
The last thing I wanted to mention is that we have the info for this year’s delivery of Michigan tart cherries, and I’ve created items online for ordering. The 10-lb tubs will be $25 this year, and the 30-lb tubs will be $65. The prices went up this year, as they got damage up there and have a light crop. For more info and to place your order, click here.
That’s it for tonight. As always, thanks for your interest in our farm. Stay safe out there.